
Integrals of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

To obtain the integral formula for exponent and logarithmic functions, let us consider the derivative of functions presented in the following table,

Recalling that integral is anti-differential, then:

Example 2.
Solve the integral results of ∫ 2 ex dx.
∫ 2 ex dx = 2ex + c

Example 3.
Solve the integral results of ∫ 2 ex dx.
∫ 2 ex dx = 2ex + c

Example 4.
Solve the integral results of 

Example 5.
Solve the integral results of ∫ e2x dx.

Example 6.
Solve the integral results of 


Example 7.
Solve the integral results of ∫ 52x dx.

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