Combination enumeration
Often we are interested in
determining the number of groups r
different objects that can be formed from a number of n objects. For example, how many groups of 4 different objects can
be taken from 5 objects A, B, C, D, and E ?. To answer this,
reason as follows. Because there are 5 ways to choose the first object, 4 ways
to choose the second object, and 3 ways to select the third object, then there
are all 5 x 4 x 3 ways to select
group 3 objects if the order of the selected objects is considered. However,
because each group of 3 objects, say gurp consisting of objects A, B, and C, will be enumerated 6 times (meaning all ABC permutations, ACB, BAC, BCA, CAB, and CBA will be enumerated if the order of
objects- this object is noticed, so the number of groups that can be formed is

In general, because n (n-1) ... (n-r-1) states the number of
different ways to select a group of r
objects from n available objects if
the order is observed and because each group r objects will be counted r!
times in this enumeration, the number of groups r different objects that can be formed from a number of n objects
the number of groups r different objects that can be taken from a number of
objects if the order in which they are taken is not observed.

Example Combination
Problem 1
A committee of 3 people
will be formed from a total of 20 people. How many committees can be formed?
Example Combination
Problem 2
From a group of 5 men and
7 women, how many groups of 5 people can be formed consisting of 2 men and 3
Solution: Because there is
how to
choose 2 men and
how to choose 3 women, then all of them are there

group consisting of 2 men
and 3 women.
A useful combinatorial
identity is
Equation 1 can be proven
by analysis or through the following combinatorial arguments. Suppose we have a
group of n objects and focus on any of these objects, name objects number 1.
Now there is
combination of size r containing object number 1 (because of this combination
this is formed by taking r-1 from the remaining n-1 objects). In addition,
there are
combinations of size r that do not contain objects number 1. Because everything
is there
combination of size r, then Equation 1 is proven.

Two proofs for this binom
theorem will be given. The first is evidence through mathematical induction,
while the second is evidence through combination arguments.
BINOM THROUGH INDUCTION: If n = 1, Equation 2 will be reduced to
Suppose Equation 2 is true for n-1. Furthermore,
By taking i = k + 1 in the first number and i = k in the second number we get,
In this case the Equation before the last equation above is a result of Equation 1. So the above theorem proves by induction
This product represents
the sum of 2n terms, each of which is a product of n factors. In addition, each of these
terms has xi or yi as a factor for every i = 1,2, ..., n. For example
Now, how much of this 2n
term has k xi and n-k yi as the factor? Because each
term consisting of k xi
and (nk) yi matches with the selection of a group k element of n values of x1,
x2, x3, ..., xm
then there is
the fruit
of the tribe this is so. So, by taking xi
= x and yi = y, i = 1, 2, ..., n, it is obtained,

Example Combination Problem 3
Example of Combination Problem 4
How many subsets can be formed from a set of n elements?
These results can also be obtained in the following ways. To each element in the set
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